Hibou Magazine

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Close Encounters of the Bird Kind

Greetings, AUP. Having finally presented this, the first issue of the Hibou, we would like to take a moment to thank you kindly for your acknowledgement. Peacock Magazine in particular graciously offered a few pages of their space to warmly welcome us into the fo(w)ld. As the longest-running currently online Magazine at the University, what can indisputably said about the Peacock is that it rules the roost. Indeed, printing under the scrutiny of such an unblinking gaze as theirs, under the eagle eyes of their astute editors, has been quite intimidating. We hope to do justice to them, our fellow students, and underline that we are birds of a feather.

Nevertheless, we would like to humbly offer a few corrections, in the spirit of friendship, to Gabrielle Green, whose article so graciously offered us a moment in the Peacock’s glossy limelight, and to their editorial staff.

First: Our dear Editor in Chief is known generally as Isabelle Siegel, as opposed to Isabel Seigal. Given that she rules the roost over here in the Hibou, we felt it necessary to clarify. Undoubtedly Gabrielle’s was an honest mistake.

Second: We are not an academic journal, nor are we directly related to History Law and Society (which is a program, not a department; it falls under the vast umbrella of History). We are an independent student journal operating out of the crags and crevasses left to us by the mountainous operation of ASM; we operate out of the figurative attic of the University. This is particularly important. We accept writers from all departments, all programs, all degrees, so long as they can turn a phrase and meet a deadline. To those of you who would be willing to join us: we would be delighted to have you.

The pecking order at AUP has always been clear: The Peacock first, in Plume and Print. We recognize this, and we have no desire to occupy the intellectual space held by our dazzling peers. Ours is a different path.

After all, Peacocks can’t fly.

Kindly, and with an affectionate ruffling of feathers,

The Hibou Team